Empower yourself
and discoverhealing within

Therapy is an investment in yourself, your life, and your relationships

We look forward to embarking on this journey with you.

Caught Dreamin' uses a wide range of research-proven therapy techniques to help free you from the grips of anxiety, depression, addiction, trauma, and painful relationships and guide you into a life filled with joy, freedom, and connection.

Art Therapy emdr
Intuitive Card Readings
holistic personal development Coaching
Mental Health Therapy
Plant Spirit Therapy

JoAnne C.Garrow, LMSW, CAADC

My journey into therapy was born out of tragedy, when I lost my late brother Mark in 2008. I navigated my grief as best I could, and eventually found myself back at school earning my Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work. I credit my late brother Mark for so much of who I am today because of who he was and the messages he shared throughout his time on earth.


ARt Therapy

Sometimes words cannot fully express what one is experiencing. Using art materials and creative processes as a form of communication can deepen ones understanding of the topics we are exploring in therapy.

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Art Therapy Michigan

brainspotting & EMDR

Discover the power of Brainspotting and EMDR, two transformative therapies that help you heal and thrive. Both techniques are designed to access and process deeply rooted emotional pain, trauma, and negative experiences. By targeting specific eye positions and brain pathways, these therapies facilitate the natural healing process, allowing you to release what’s holding you back and find lasting relief. Whether you’re dealing with trauma, anxiety, or emotional challenges, Brainspotting and EMDR offer effective, evidence-based solutions for personal growth and healing.Learn more >


Breathwork is like hitting the gym for your brain. Regular practice helps you rewire your response to stress, leading to a more peaceful, proactive you. It's about finding your calm in the chaos.

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holistic personal development coaching

Unlock your potential with Holistic Personal Development Coaching. We’re here to inspire and support you every step of the way, offering the motivation, tools, and guidance you need to thrive both personally and professionally. Our approach embraces every part of your well-being, helping you build resilience, overcome obstacles, and seize opportunities for transformative growth.

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Plant spirit therapy

Plants have always had a profound relationship with humans. Our methods of connection may look different than our ancestors but we still utilize plants for spiritual development today. Many medicinal plants are tinctured, formed into essential oils through a distillation process, essences, and teas. These plants, the ones we return to repeatedly, are often plants we have gained benefit from or like the way they smell or taste.

Plant Spirit Therapy offers another way to connect with Plants, that goes deeper than store-bought tea and processed oils.

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Plant Spirit Therapy

mental health therapy

At Caught Dreamin' Therapy, we offer a wide range of mental health services tailored to meet your unique needs. Our experienced therapists specialize in treating anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issues, ADHD, and more. We provide a compassionate, supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings, learn coping strategies, and build resilience. Our holistic approach integrates various therapeutic modalities, including individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy, and group sessions, ensuring you receive personalized care that empowers you to thrive.Learn more >

Intuitive card readings

JoAnne uses her merits of claircognizance, empowerment, loving energy and trust. She combines these personal strengths with her therapeutic trainings and years of experience in working with people, to help you demystify and open up to the magical and spiritual side of our universe. Out of this may emerge new recognition of your strengths, understanding of old patterns that may need to be let go, new adventures on the horizon, excitement, aha moments, love and much more.

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  • "My therapist is amazing! She is super sweet and awesome.  She is great to talk to and is an all and all great person. My therapist is so relatable and is easy to talk to. She also understands my struggles."

  • "I’ve only been here for a short period of time, but I always feel welcomed and accepted. I don’t feel judged and I feel that this is a safe place. I love it here.  You guys are awesome and always kind. I appreciate you!"

  • "My therapist has been helping my son learn so much about himself, process through the hard moments, and grow as a person. I don’t know where we’d be without her guidance and support."

  • "My therapist has been so warm and easy to talk to. Reaching out for help has not been easy, but she has made these first few steps so much better.  Thank you."

  • "To live a life where my triggers don’t keep me stuck. To feel worthy of a beautiful life. I am not my pain.  I am loveable."

  • "Our therapist has been helping my daughter discover her deep emotions and give words to them so they can be addressed, acknowledged, and processed using skills she learned with her. I am so grateful for our therapist’s presence in her life."

  • "The people here are amazing. They always are nice and warming."

Ready to start?

We love helping our clients develop the tools they need to cope with life’s challenges. Contact Caught Dreamin’ Therapy today to learn more and book a session.