Douglas Baker

LLMSW, CHEK Exercise/Holistic Lifestyle Coach, XPT Performance Breath Coach

I am a recent graduate of the Masters of Social Work program at Northern Michigan University. A native of the Marquette area, I have spent the last 10 + years helping others achieve their health goals as co-owner of Superior Fitness training studio. As an exercise and holistic lifestyle coach, I’ve enjoyed guiding others to fine-tune their fitness, nutrition, stress, and sleep hygiene. As a mental health professional, I look forward to assisting others in any stage of life and healing process, promoting growth in physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of life. 

One of my passions is assisting others in managing short term and chronic pain. By navigating the healing of my own past injuries and bouts of pain, I have learned how much our emotions and mental state play into our experiences of physical discomfort. With over a decade of studying how the body works at a physiological and mechanical level, I am passionate about helping others understand and improve their pain from a whole-person perspective. During the MSW program, I was able to hone skills in working with individuals experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, adjustment disorders, and symptoms of traumatic stress. Through immersive training on PTSD and complex trauma disorders, I have developed a unique toolset combining music therapy and expressive arts with conventional trauma interventions. 

When I am not in the office or gym helping others, I enjoy exploring the local trail systems by bike or on foot. I also enjoy spending time at home with my wife and son, cooking, experimenting with music and art, and sneaking in a few holes at a local golf course.

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

— Nelson Mandela