Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about therapy from the experts at Caught Dreamin’ Therapy.

  • Therapy at Caught Dreamin' works by shining a light on what's lurking beneath the surface, things that might be driving harmful patterns without your realizing it. These hidden issues can really mess with our lives, causing problems in work, relationships, and our mental well-being. By addressing these unconscious wounds, we can make peace with our past, our connections with others, and most importantly, ourselves. In essence, we confront our fears so they lose their grip on us. By bringing these hidden struggles into the light, we gain more control, awareness, and vitality.

  • Therapy at Caught Dreamin' offers a pathway to a more peaceful, grounded, and confident you. By delving into the root causes of your anxiety, depression, and relationship struggles, therapy guides you towards a deeper understanding of yourself without judgment or filters. It's a safe space to explore and integrate all aspects of your being, even those you might hesitate to share with others. Through therapy, you can reignite your sense of vitality by reconnecting with parts of yourself that may have felt numb or distant. You'll learn empowered communication, cultivate self-love and confidence, and acquire practical skills to overcome trauma and mental health challenges.

    Our approach is tailored to your unique needs and goals, ensuring that the benefits of therapy resonate deeply with your individual journey. From freeing yourself from depression and anxiety to gaining clarity and direction, therapy uncovers blind spots that hinder your growth and transforms unhealthy patterns. It fosters meaningful relationships, facilitates trauma healing, and enhances your overall quality of life by fostering new ways of relating to yourself and the world around you.

  • Choosing a therapist is like finding the perfect match. It might take some time, but it's worth it for your well-being.

    We pride ourselves on matching clients with a good fitting therapist, but If you are unsure you may request a brief consultation call with a potential therapist to see if you vibe with them.

    At Caught Dreamin', we believe the top 3 things to prioritize in a therapist are:

    Feeling safe and understood: Therapy is most effective when you feel accepted and supported, allowing you to explore deeper issues without judgment.

    Understanding their approach: Your therapist should be able to explain their methods in a way that makes sense to you, tailored to your unique needs and experiences.

    Being challenged to grow: While empathy is important, a great therapist will also push you gently to see things from new perspectives and approach situations differently.

    Consider other factors like good communication skills, a willingness to work collaboratively, and shared characteristics such as gender or age. Specializations in areas like addiction, OCD, or eating disorders can also be crucial in finding the right fit for you.

  • To make the most of therapy at Caught Dreamin', there are two key things to keep in mind:

    Be open to feedback: Therapy is a collaborative journey where feedback plays a pivotal role. Embrace feedback that challenges you, even if it pushes you out of your comfort zone. This openness fosters growth and self-awareness.

    Clarify your goals: Clearly defining what you hope to achieve in therapy is essential. Your therapist will work with you to develop a personalized plan aimed at expanding self-awareness, addressing mental health concerns, and finding clarity and hope.

    Therapy can be both daunting and transformative. Embracing discomfort and facing your fears are integral to the healing process. By summoning the courage to confront challenges and push beyond your usual boundaries, you cultivate resilience, vitality, and ultimately, freedom to become the person you aspire to be.

  • The effectiveness of therapy hinges on your dedication, determination, and active participation. By diligently following the steps outlined earlier—selecting the right therapist, setting clear goals, and remaining receptive to feedback—you maximize your chances of success. Your commitment to attending sessions and implementing changes in your life directly influences the outcome of therapy.

    While there are no guarantees, extensive research supports the efficacy of various therapeutic approaches for specific mental health issues and relationship challenges. However, your individual experience ultimately depends on your willingness to invest in your personal growth and well-being.

  • Completing therapy is a deeply personal journey, and how you feel at the end will be influenced by your unique goals and aspirations. For some, the aim may be to move from overwhelming anxiety to a place of greater resilience in handling life's challenges. Others may seek to cultivate inner peace, confidence, and a sense of empowerment. And then there are those who view therapy as part of an ongoing process of self-discovery and growth, striving for continual transformation and heightened awareness.

    As with any endeavor, what you invest in therapy will shape the outcome. Your commitment to personal growth and willingness to actively engage in the therapeutic process will greatly influence how you feel when treatment concludes. Ultimately, your experience at the end of therapy will reflect the progress you've made toward your goals and the depth of self-work you've undertaken along the way.

  • At Caught Dreamin', therapy doesn't adhere to a strict timeline; it's a process that unfolds at your pace. You're under no obligation to continue, and you can end therapy whenever it feels appropriate for you. Every individual's journey is unique, influenced by various factors such as the issues being addressed and the rate of progress made.

    We provide both short-term and long-term therapy options, customizing our approach to suit your needs and preferences. Once therapy begins, your therapist will assess which approach aligns best with your goals and circumstances, ensuring you receive the support that's right for you.

  • If you've had therapy in the past that didn't meet your expectations, don't lose hope. It's all about finding the right fit. Just like dating, one bad experience shouldn't overshadow the potential for a great connection. The key lies in finding a therapist who aligns with your needs and goals.

    At Caught Dreamin', we understand the importance of this match. Our therapists undergo rigorous vetting and boast extensive experience to ensure you're in capable hands. We meet you at your current point in the healing journey, tailoring our approach to suit your individual needs. With our personalized and attentive care, we strive to make your therapy experience a positive and transformative one.

  • During your initial therapy session at Caught Dreamin', the focus will be on understanding your unique story and needs. Your therapist will create a safe space for you to share your history, struggles, and aspirations.

    Your therapist will meet you at your current point in the healing process, whether you're just starting out or have previous experience with therapy. They'll respect your comfort level in discussing personal matters, ensuring you feel heard and supported from the very beginning. This session sets the foundation for the therapeutic journey ahead, guiding you toward growth and healing.

  • The logistics of therapy are referred to as the “frame.” While this may vary from therapist to therapist depending on their approach, the standard frame is a 50-minute session once per week. You and your therapist might decide together that you need more or less frequent sessions based on a variety of factors such as the severity of what you’re going through, cost, and availability. Every therapist has a different approach, which is usually communicated in the first appointment. During this time you will get a better sense of their particular style, cadence, and treatment frame.

  • No, lying on a couch isn't a standard practice in therapy. However, if it's something you're comfortable with or prefer, the option is available. Most often, therapy sessions involve sitting on a couch or chair, facing your therapist in a comfortable and supportive environment. So, whether you choose to sit or recline, the focus remains on creating a safe space for open dialogue and personal exploration.

  • Absolutely not. Discussing your childhood is not mandatory in therapy. Your therapist will respect your boundaries and comfort levels. If delving into your past experiences is beneficial for your progress, your therapist will gently guide the conversation in that direction. However, you will never be pressured to discuss anything that makes you uncomfortable. Therapy is about meeting your needs, preferences, and what is most helpful for your healing journey.

  • Absolutely! At Caught Dreamin', transparency is a core value, and we want to ensure that you have all the information you need regarding your insurance coverage and associated costs. When you visit our Insurance and Fees page, you'll find comprehensive details about the insurance providers we're in-network with.

    We understand that navigating insurance benefits can be complex, which is why we offer to verify your insurance coverage. Our team will diligently verify your insurance benefits and communicate with you about your coverage, including any deductibles, copays, or coinsurance that may apply. This way, you'll have clarity on what you're responsible for before beginning therapy.

    To further facilitate transparency and convenience, we collect payment for services every Friday. This allows you to plan and expect any out-of-pocket expenses associated with your therapy sessions. If you have any questions or need assistance understanding your insurance benefits, feel free to reach out to us by completing THIS FORM.

    We're here to support you every step of the way on your therapeutic journey.